
Model Stock Portfolio: Long Term Equity Investors

  Model Stock Portfolio: Long Term Equity Investors  Generally, we can find three types of investors based on Investing Strategy in the Equity Market. Investing Strategy is here nothing but as a Diversification of Stocks. There is a Conservative Investor, Moderate and Aggressive Investors.  According to Equity investment theory, these three types of investor varies to one's risk nature. Although the investment is usually made in the form of Asset Allocation, the Diversification based on Sectors is required in the Equity Investing.   Diversification is very helpful to reduce the risk involved when investing directly in the Stocks, but not in the equity oriented funds. We see the diversified investment approach as the type of investor. In doing so we can balance the volatility that occur in the short term to long run. This strategy allows the investor to make better returns in the long term without incurring significant losses. We can have a Model Stock Portfolio ...

India's rising retail inflation - Consumer Price Index in March 2021

 India's rising retail inflation - Consumer Price Index in March 2021 Inflation in India, since 2012(Base rate of 100) is estimated in terms of Retail Inflation. Significantly, the WPI(Wholesale price index) was previously calculated. At the end of March 2021, the Retail Inflation stood at 156.8 Points where the country's CPI Retail inflation rate rose to 5.52 Percent. It is noteworthy that the CPI Inflation in the month of January 2021 was 4.06 Percent. The current said inflation rate has been higher than the market expected. Inflation rose in March due to high prices in Food products, especially in Pulses. Food Inflation stood at 4.94 Percent at the end of March, up from 3.87 Percent in the month of February. The prices of Pulses has increased by 13 Percent. At the same time, the Vegetable prices declined slightly to 4.83 Percent.    Fuel and Light prices rose from 3.53 Percent to 4.50 Percent. Clothing and Footwear were increased to 4.41 Percent in March, earlier it wa...

Risk Profiling is for the Self Examination

 Risk Profiling is for the Self Examination Before starting any investment, it is a good idea to test yourself. Self Examination, which can be called Risk Profiling has 3 Stages. Risk Required Risk Capacity Risk Tolerance For example, suppose your are going to invest in the Equity(Stocks) Market. We know that the Stock Market is generally a high Risk investment product. Market Volatility is high in the short term is guaranteed in the Equity Segment. We cannot avoid this. This is what we call as Market Risk (Required risk).  Only by understanding these type of requirements, we can balance in the Investing of Equity. However we would generate better returns in the long run.  The Second risk is your Risk Capacity. This position will tell you that whether you have enough capacity to handle the risk or risk involved when investing in the Stock Market. Here we can find out how much you are going to invest and ensure about your Family will suffer financially if there is a loss i...

India's Foreign Exchange Reserves - It's Billion Dollar History

  India's Foreign Exchange Reserves - It's Billion Dollar History The Foreign Exchange Reserves are a needy for any Developing economy and for a Country which promotes on Exports. This would be taken care by the Country's Central Bank. Foreign Exchange reserves are generally the purchase or holding of any Global Currency in terms of Trade. Like, 'USD' is said to be the present common currency. There are various reasons that the Central bank have holding the Forex reserves like to control the value of the Currency. The exported country may receive it's revenue in Dollars(USD). The trader who executes the global export trade, can receive in USD and the banks would convert this into the domestic or local currency on behalf of Trader. Then usually the banks can transfer this foreign currency - USD to the Central Bank. The RBI(Reserve Bank of India) will be cautious about the value of the Indian rupee against the US Dollar. Increasing Foreign Exchange reserves is a p...

Retail Inflation rose to 5.03 Percent in the month of February 2021

  Retail Inflation rose to 5.03 Percent in the month of February 2021 India's Retail Inflation(Consumer Price Index) was 4.06 Percent in the month of January 2021. According to the recent data, the retail inflation have risen to 5.03 Percent in the last month - February 2021. This is significantly higher than the Market Expectation of 4.83 Percent. The CPI Inflation rose in the last month, due to rising Food Prices. Food Inflation which were stood at 1.89 Percent in the month of May 2019, is now 3.89 Percent in February 2021. Similarly, the Pulses has risen to 12.54 Percent, where the Vegetable prices declined slightly to 6.24 Percent in the said above period. Clothing and Footwear were increased to 4.21 Percent from 3.82 percent. Tobacco and Housing prices were also increased. The prices of Fuel and Light fell to 3.53 Percent from 3.87 Percent. For the past one year, the CPI - retail prices has largely been above 6 Percent.    The RBI - Central bank has set a short term ...

50 Years of Economic Growth - GDP India

 50 Years of Economic Growth - GDP India  The Country's GDP was 0.4 Percent in the Third quarter of the current fiscal year 2020-21. This is the first time that the positive growth has been reported Since the Covid-19 (Coronavirus) Lock down in India. The Economic growth fell by -24.4 Percent in the first quarter and -7.3 Percent in the Second quarter of this year. It was also said to be the biggest slump and fall Since 2013. Economic growth in October - December 2020 was 0.4 Percent, driven by the Economic Stimulus and Temporary High Consumption. However the country's GDP as a whole year will end in the Negative Territory. The Retail Inflation - Consumer price index(CPI) was as low as 4.06 Percent in January 2021, despite rising prices in the aftermath of the Corona Curfew. This is the lowest level seen in the last 15 months. India's Retail inflation averaged 6-8 Percent. It is noteworthy that the short term target of the Central Bank (RBI) on CPI Retail Inflation is said ...

Post Covid-19 - The New Normal - Challenges and Opportunities ahead - 2021

  Post Covid-19 - The New Normal - Challenges and Opportunities ahead - 2021 After Covid-19, there was a Big Change and we are back to the New Normal, but not to the existing normal. There are lot of Challenges and Opportunities ahead for the next few decade. The Post Covid epidemic and it's global policies would definitely bring about new change. In India, the Central Govt is also planned to implement the 4 Day work week in the front. The reason for this was said may different from the Official. But the upcoming innovation on Technology and the subsequent development of Artificial Intelligence based on it. Challenges: Social Distancing is a New Culture Disruption in Many Sectors Automation - AI Taxation Policies Cost of Buying - Pharma & Healthcare Environmental Issues - Keep Regularly Opportunities ahead: Minimalism - Spend low Various Job Opportunities, but now the same (Self Reliant) Investments in Multi Asset Options Agriculture on Demand Sustainability Living New Normal(P...