10 Stocks for Good Investing - Fundamental Analysis
10 Stocks for Good Investing - Fundamental Analysis Identifying good stocks or shares using Fundamental Analysis is an Investment Art. If we do that effectively, then our investment strategies will work for a long to create Wealth. I have given you few of the stocks using basic Fundamentals on Listed Companies. Examine yourself and find a good company stocks. These stocks are filtered by Screening using the Screener.in website. I had also used some basic queries to filter these below stocks. The basic thumb rule was used in this method are Sales and Profit Growth, Return on Capital Employed, Return on Equity, Price to Earning Ratio, Promoters holding and Pledging of shares by the Promoters. The Screening Strategy follows that the Sales and Profit growth for the last 5 years is greater than 10 Percent, The 5 years ROE and ROCE should be more than 20 Percent, Debt to Equity ratio should be less than 0.5 and Price to Earning is said to be greater than 25. The Market Capitalization limit ...