
Showing posts with the label berger paints

Should you buy Berger Paints ? Fundamental Analysis

Should you buy Berger Paints ? Fundamental Analysis An Investor who is ready to buy stocks in the Stock Market should invest based on Fundamental Analysis - Value Investing. And also the investor should be aware about the Risk Management in Equity Investing. If not, it is advisable to consult with a Good Financial Advisor to make such decisions. Berger Paints is a company (Now Public Listed Company) founded by Louis Steigenberger of Germany. It was later renamed as 'Lewis Berger'. Currently, Berger Paints is an Indian Paint Company is headquartered at Kolkata. The Current Chairman of Berger Paints is Mr. Kuldip Singh Dhingra. It is in the Paint Sector which the company operates its business in Five Countries including Russia, Nepal and Poland. It has a distribution network of more than 25,000 Dealers and 3500 Plus Employees for Manufacturing and Selling of Paints. Currently, the Market Capitalization of Berger Paints stands at Rs. 47,000 Crore in the Indian Stock Market. The Bo...