Adjusted Returns on Investment
Adjusted Returns on Investment If someone asking you, What is your monthly pay check or Salary ? Then, we are hesitated to tell or show the exact numbers on salary, even after our deduction from salary :) . We are thinking about that we are protecting our income numbers ! That's not a matter, either showing the pay slip or not. But, on our Investment info, we have to be careful about the returns on numbers we earned it. We just enjoying to show this much returns i had on my investments or I had a profit of XXXXX from my investments. But, do you know what is your real returns received on your hand ? Returns on Investment can by type of: Inflation Adjusted Tax Adjusted Risk Adjusted From the previous article, we have seen that about the difference between Real Rate and Nominal Rate of Return. It clearly indicates that we must aware about the Inflation, it hurts our retirement planning and Goal based investments. For Example, If our Return is 10 % from the investment amo...