Healthy Dividend Yield Stock - National Aluminium Company - Fundamental Analysis
Healthy Dividend Yield Stock - National Aluminium Company - Fundamental Analysis National Aluminium Company (NALCO India) is a Public Sector Company headquartered in Odisha, India. The Company is also seen as the Navratna CPSE of the Govt of India. It's business is based on Aluminium Production - Bauxite Mining, Aluminium Refining, Smelting and Casting. It is also engaging in the Power Generation, Rail and Port process. NALCO India is said to be the country's Largest Company in the Aluminium Industry and the world's leading supplier with the low cost production. It is worth noting that the revenue are also came from Exports. The Market Capitalization of the company is around Rs. 6,300 Crore. The Book value is at 55 rupees. The Current Stock price to earning (PE) is said to be 20 times. The Current market price to book value is attractive, which is less than a time. NALCO India is generally a Debt Free company, where the current debt to equity ratio were stood at 0.01. Inter...