Should you buy ITC LTD now ? Fundamental Analysis
Should you buy ITC LTD now ? - Fundamental Analysis The Indian Multinational Group ITC Ltd was established in the year 1910, the company is a major manufacturer of Tobacco Products. Not only Tobacco manufacturing and Selling, but also the ITC Brands are wide in the different segments like Food Products, Personal Care, Paper Products, Pooja Products, Dairy & Agriculture based, Packaging Industry and Hotels. It's specific brands are Aashirvaad Atta, Wills, Gold Flake, Kings, Classmate Notebooks & Other Stationery, Mangaldeep, Sheraton, Fortune and Grand Chola Hotels, Snack items like Sun feast Biscuits, Candy man, Bingo and Yippee. The current Chairman and Managing Director of the ITC Company is Mr. Sanjiv Puri and the company headquartered in Kolkata, India. ITC Ltd has reported its revenue of Rs. 52,000 Crore for the FY2018-19. It's Net Profit was around Rs. 12,800 Crore in the said period. The Company has a Total Assets of USD 10 Billion in the end of FY2019 and there ...