FII and DII Trading activity - 2018

FII and DII Trading activity - 2018

Last year 2018, the stock market was mostly down in the Trend. The Indian Stock market does not fall below the global market like much more than other countries. In the year of 2018, the NASDAQ fell down nearly 10 percent, the London exchange FTSE declines at 12 percent and the Japanese market down above 11 percent. The Chinese stock market felt down as worse with more than 23 percent.

However the Indian market's NSE and BSE were at its low and closed in the green in the past year. Generally an outflow of Foreign Investors in the past will lead to disruption of the Stock Market in India. But now it does not happen. The influx of Domestic investors have now increased. It also happening due to the increase in the size of Indian investors in a Mutual fund investments day by day. It's a welcome and worthy one.

In the past year, the Foreign Institutional Investors (FII) have taken out more money from the Indian Market. At the same time, the inflows of Domestic investors (DII) have been increased.

The FII had taken out their money for the 10 months out of 12 months in the last year 2018. In the month of January 2018, they had a positive inflow of Rs. 9,568 Crore and Rs. 4,934 Crore in November on Net Purchase. On the other side, the DII had played a crucial role in the market and a positive trend have seen in the 12 months period.

The Maximum outflow of FII was came in the month of October 2018 with Rs. 29,201 Crore on Net Sales and the DII trading was seen as it lowest in the month of January and December with a Net Purchase of Rs. 398 Crore and Rs. 375 Crore respectively.

The DII was bought more of Rs. 26,033 Crore in the month of October 2018, when the Foreign investors exited too much on the same period. Globally, the trade war, Oil price struggle, sluggish in the economy led the market down in the last year. Tax Changes, Demonetization and political events were moved the Indian stock market domestically.

Although the current calendar year 2019, will have the global impacts, the upcoming RBI numbers, Budget 2019, and the election event will move the market.

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