PASSION CASTLE: I am going to Build a Castle
PASSION CASTLE: I m going to Build a Castle
We all have friends like Childhood friends, High School friends, College buddies, Work place pals, etc. But, among the all types of friends, only few become close to us. Why ? Because they all have the same wave length of thinking, ideas, views, feelings,etc. But, we could not remember when was the first meet or starting point of the friendship. Bonding between the persons is like Magic. It will not happen with the anyone. Only, it happens between bonding peoples met together. So, only few people have closest bonding with someone, not with all. It’s applicable to our passion team too.
We know about the team work value. When games like cricket, football, hockey, etc. Even in family also, team work is very important. For a game, to attain the victory, team member’s coordination is very important. In family, couples’ coordination is important to lead a better life. If, we notice that in all games, Star player is always there. Star players take more responsibility for success. In family also, Husband or Wife take more responsibility, others are just giving their support to the star person to attain the success. However, Team work brings Success. Their percentage of contribution is some what different.
Once we want to create impact over any field, Team work is not enough. We need a Dream work. Team members’ contributions and their coordination must be in the same level, not in Fluctuation. All must have the same on Ideas, thoughts and output in relevant passion.
Team Work brings Success, Dream Work brings Achievements
Passion needs dream work and Dream about achievements. World Top class Business people and Achievers are named by ‘SINGLE’, but not as a Group. Why ? They didn’t go for a Team work ? Why fame decorated only for a Single person ? Like Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerburg, Jeff Bezos, Carlos. They also achieved their dream alone.
The question is about, Dream work need a Team work or not ? If, it need means why the top successful people are named by Single, not by group. Reason may be, they didn’t meet such people with the same idea or dream or people didn’t have the faith over the dream. Positive features about working alone, we don’t depend on others. We don’t have the responsibility to explain our Action related to our passion to others. Success or Failure, totally rely on Us. If you win, Crown is yours; If you lose, you have to face the toughest situation in your life. You may field out or more than that.
Positive features related to working as a Team, divide the work to all team members. More input and more output. Dream work will not affect, because of individuals or their personal reasons. The difficult in team work, he could not extract equal output from all team members. Situation may vary among the team members. It affects our Dream work.
Nowadays, the reason behind the new startups are closing their dream work very soon, due to not maintaining the stability among team members and lack in transparency. If we couldn’t sort out the above problem, we become one of the numbers in the failure list. We couldn’t named as a person in the success steps.
In Hotel, Family, School or Colleges, the people are posted for certain work. For example in hotel, Receptionist, Manager, Waiter, Chef, etc for a different works. Even though the Manager have the high quality than chef, is that manager took the charge of cooking ? What will happened ? The systematic cycle will collapse. It affects the output badly. The person who assigned for the certain job, will do the same. Exceptional case is there, some persons have multi-talent. It’s good, but its rare to found the multi-talent.
To find the personality with same passion is a tough task for our Dream work. But, more than that find out their individual talent, how it helps to achieve our Dream and allot the same to certain people is the most important one. Do not go for a Trial and Error method. Losing the chance and waiting for the another chance, makes much difference in our life.
The person who are all have a common vision about our Passion will join together and start as Team work and end with Dream achievement.
Single can get Award, Group only get a Championship
( This is a Guest post by Pandi thangam Paulraj, who is an Engineering Graduate servicing under the Ministry of Railways. He is an avid and self efficient, A natural farming lover. He loves to bring the traditional Tamil lifestyle to the society.)
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