Growthmania - The Progressive way

Growthmania - The Progressive way


A man wants growth in his life need a fury over the society. So far achieved person in any field have some fury over the society and their environmental situation.

For Instance,

 “ Mahatma Gandhi ill-treated in South Africa “

“ Rising of Adolf Hitler in Germany”

“Fidel Castro’s revolution in Cuba”

“Vladimir Lenin Communist in Russia”

From the above, one common thing is fury over the society that pull them up.

Rich People in the world like Henry Ford, Bill Gates, Walt Disney, Steve Jobs, Dhirubhai Ambani – Why they became a successful one ?

Something, they did not get from the society in their earlier days. To fulfill their desire, they became a historic icon for us.

If the person getting everything  from the society, they are not to think about the growth. Need and Desire moves the person towards the Growth. Growth should be a continuous progress, but not in a sudden growth. If it is like that, it’s a baseless building. Step by Step growth in a life leads a progressive development.

Nowadays, the people don’t want a progressive growth, they just need an immediate one. They always think about rapid manipulation about money, and other needs in life. Likewise, after graduation most of us need a Six Digit Salary, after starting a business – want to become a No. 1 like its goes.

Without analyze their strength and ability, they blindly take a risk in their life. They didn’t know and their future also in Risk. Sometimes, On a heavy wind, some paper will rise up to Big Tower. That time, the paper thinks that we are also equal to this Big Tower. After the wind stops, the paper will come to its original position. But the Big Tower remains there. As like, if you want an immediate growth in life, sometime fortune also make it happen. After sometime, we would fall down. It’s more dangerous in our life.


Why Should we focus that growth should be in a Progressive way ?


The Answer is:  Simple, To Avoiding Failure. Once we enter into the part of growth, we must be unstoppable one, without failure. Learning is the key for Growth. Continuous learning about the relevant field always protect us from failure.

Recent days, the people don’t have an idea about the value of earning money. Earning money is like dig a land with the needle. But Spending money is like blast a balloon with needle, Simple and Easy !

Our society  teach us, how to earn money, but not teaching us how to spend or save and invest money. People always think that Growth is related to earning money. But truly, Growth is related to how to spend in a proper way.

We live in a life of science; the new inventions are introduced in recent years only. Our Parents and Grandparents didn’t know about it. Now we are upgraded. Generation gap gives new technology. Without doubt, we should enjoy and utilize the technology. But Generation gap not only based on the new technology, it also depends on Growth gap between the Generations, Opportunities between the Generations. Annoying Parents always states that if we get opportunities as like now, we will grown up high, attaining high position in life. It may be a truth, because they didn’t have the opportunities in their life. But, we have all, but the growth is still not achievable by Us. Only if few get to achieve and become a BOSS, and others are the Employees work for the Boss throughout the year.

Create a way to find opportunities lead to Growth. What all are the things we didn’t have in the past, which stops our Growth. Those must not be a barrier for upcoming Generation. We should aware about the barriers and create a good opportunities for Growth.

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If you ask a question anyone, where you want to go after the Death, HELL or HEAVEN?  The answer must be a HEAVEN. You ask them, are you ready to Die ? No one will say Yes, because they don’t  want to die. But it clears after death only, anyone can go to heaven. Everyone wants Heaven, but no one wants to die. The same way, everyone wants to achieve in life, but no one want to put effort for that.

“ Everyone want to be Rich, No one ready to work “


“Growth should be determined, continuous, and integrated “


Potted Plant have only limited growth, what it resembles It has a life – That’s all. No development and improvement. As like, the people don’t have a dream, goal to achieve in their life. They are live a life as like a potted plant. We should not be in this category. We must be a plant in a Forest. We fight against the biggest Trees and prove our growth and survive over dominating. All must have a desire in life to achieve, not a greedy. Greedy always unsuccessful. Let put your effort in achievable goal only.

We all know about the capacity of Rabbit and Tortoise. Rabbit could run fast, but the tortoise couldn’t.  I would like to be a Tortoise rather than Rabbit. Because, I need a continuous growth and my growth must be a Progressive one (Fail to Succeed).

( This is a Guest post by Pandi thangam Paulraj, who is an Engineering Graduate servicing under the Ministry of Railways. He is an avid and self efficient, A natural farming lover. He loves to bring the traditional Tamil lifestyle to the society.)


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