10 Smart Ideas to learn - Young Entrepreneurs


10 Smart Ideas to learn - Young Entrepreneurs


I love the Inspirer and the inspired quotes behind them. Everyone needs a motivation while we felt bad or fall into the trap. We just need that motivation, but we are not just wanting. We know how the kid's smile is. On that way, we need the motivation and we cannot force the kid to smile. It's the creature of nature. Motivation is also gives a self confidence, with rich content.

Recently, i had posted about the herd mentality - the behavioral bias. You can get and love the inspirer as you need. But don't follow the influencer that you cannot reach your Needs vs Wants. I am always recommending you, Just get and love the inspirer on his words. Don't follow the influencer or even the man quote the inspired words. It's your life. Do it yourself (DIY). If you need a word of motivation, you can take it outside. We just need to love.

I had being inspired by so many quotes, like Warren Buffet, Peter Lynch, Steve Jobs, Swami Vivekananda, Osho and recently, i had a quote with a new man and met him in a Entrepreneurship Session. Yes, I am talking about an Entrepreneur, started his life from Zero to Rs. 3000 Crore - Dr. A. Velumani ( An Indian Scientist and Entrepreneur). He is the Founder and Chairman of Thyrocare Technologies Ltd. The man who was worked as a Scientist in Bhaba Atomic Research Center (BARC) and later he decided to quit his career, to setup his Thyroid Lab - that is Thyrochare  started in 1996. He started his life with nothing and now Thyrocare - a Fortune one with a value of Rs. 3000 Crore plus.

I got some ideas from him for young entrepreneurs and collective it to 10 Smart Ideas to learn. This is a Real-Life quote and ideas, who like to live as an Entrepreneur.


  • You always build your business - Starts from Zero. It just helps you to enjoy the every moment of life. Even if you failed on a chance or by a mistake, you have the option of starting from Nothing. So, Experience is not all a concern for startup. But, Knowledge is Important.


  • Be Frugal - Frugality is the quality of being economical. Not only with money and food, but a carefulness and Good management. No need to spend much money to show you. The attitude creates its value.


  • Take a Risk - Risk is an aerial thing, but it not look as hard. Risk gives you a better Reward. Aware about risk and take it. Don't ignore it at any cost.


  • Discuss vs Decision - How would you rate this one ?  When you going to start a business, you did this. Don't make a decision on behalf or after Discussion. No one can take a good decision in this world. Take a Decision without discussing and make it valuable.


  • Mistakes - There have been Errors when you doing a business. You can try to clear the errors before they become a mistake. Errors are a little one, you just managed them in a short period. Mistakes should be corrected within a year. If not, then the mistakes were become blunders. Don't make the blunders, but you can have an error and mistake.

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  • Be out of Comfort Zone - Do things differently. There is no secured prosperity in life. You have to choose anyone, Security or Prosperity. Don't being home sick. Use the opportunity anywhere to build your startup business.


  • Select Good contacts and friends for your Business. There is no need to connect with everyone. Avoid the person not related to your business and its controversy. Don't listen the Neighborhoods negative words.


  • If you looking to hire a person for your Startup - Give employment to the Poor and Freshers. Those who are the dedicated persons to work for you.


  • Always create an Emergency fund before starting your business. Funding for your startup is a primary one.


  • Don't Borrow loans on your beginning. If not, limit your loan needs. Be Debt Free - If you have any debt or EMI before starting your business, you have to make it debt free. (No Debt - No EMI)


If you are born as poor, you have a 100 % chance of being  Rich


The entrepreneur is essentially a visualizer and actualizer. He can visualize something, and when he visualizes it he sees exactly how to make it happen by Robert L. Schwartz.


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